Haven on the Queensway 2024-12-18 05:00:00Z 0

RTW's 16th Annual Scotch Nosing

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Our annual Scotch Nosing, held at the Lambton Golf and Country Club, is an excellent way to learn about whiskies from different regions of Scotland, enjoy a delicious 5 course meal, win some excellent prizes and raise money for a worthy charity.

This year's fundraising was for Sleeping Children Around the World, a non-profit organization that has distributed more than a million bed kits to protect children from mosquito-borne infections since 1970.  
The images below will give you just a hint of what this fun and fantastic party was all about.  Be sure to join us next year!
RTW's 16th Annual Scotch Nosing 2024-11-21 05:00:00Z 0
Stella's Place 2024-10-25 04:00:00Z 0

RTW, Days For Girls and TAGI are changing lives in Uganda

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Club President, Daphine Marunga, recently provided an update on the work of her Uganda-centred charity known as The Amara Girls Initiative (TAGI).  An ongoing project in conjunction with Days For Girls and the support of the Rotary Club of Toronto West (RTW) has focused on providing menstrual kits and improved hygiene facilities that enable girls to stay in school.

In many countries, schools do not have adequate safe hygiene facilities and feminine hygiene products are not readily available or affordable.  Girls feel obligated to stay at home during their periods.  They fall behind in their school work and some will drop out of school.  When girls struggle to attain a basic education, their difficulties have broad impacts.
RTW, Days For Girls and TAGI are changing lives in Uganda 2024-10-25 04:00:00Z 0
PACT: An Inspiring Program To Support At-Risk Youth 2024-09-21 04:00:00Z 0
2 nd Annual Culinary Experience Fundraiser - a Huge Success! 2024-06-24 04:00:00Z 0

Last Hurrah, Summer 2023

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The Rotary Club of Toronto West had a bitter-sweet summer.  We experienced the passing of our beloved Rotarian, Donald "Don" Foster, who has been with the Rotary Club for over 60 years.  But we also had some wonderful celebrations.
 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxThe Rotary Club of Toronto West knows how to make hay while the sun is shining.  We had a wonderful summer but we saved the best for the last days of Summer.  We had a wonderful family pool party at the residence of Rtn. Susan on August 12.  On this day we also celebrated the 17th birthday of Jeremy, Rtn. Anthony and Veronica's grandson.  Fortunately, there were other teen-agers at the pool party including Sabrina, granddaughter of Rtn. Willis. 
 To end the summer in a big way, RTW together with the Tibetan Club and the Etobicoke Club celebrated the 30th Anniversary of the Rotary Peace Park and the International Day of Peace.  It was a wonderful celebration of diversity, equity, and inclusion. featuring multi-cultural foods and fun.
 On September 14, we had our last social breakfast meeting for the summer at the Olive Restaurant, one of RTW's favourite breakfast places.  And now we welcome the fall.
Last Hurrah, Summer 2023 Anthony Florendo 2023-09-24 04:00:00Z 0
Scarves For Sale for Cambodia Fundraising Anthony Florendo 2023-08-17 04:00:00Z 0

RTW Supports Our Local Food Bank

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Happy Thanksgiving!

RTW recently collaborated with the Etobicoke Rotary club to collect 70 bags full of non-perishable food to donate to our local food bank.
RTW Supports Our Local Food Bank 2022-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

Cleaning Up Canada's Great Lakes

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A Call to Action: Rotary's Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup

To mark Earth Day in April 2021, Rotary District 7070 issued a challenge to all its clubs to participate in the Rotary Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup during the week of April 17 - 24, 2021. Rotary Toronto West continued the project this year by focusing cleanup efforts in Tom Riley Park.  With the assistance of members of the Etobicoke Collegiate Institute Interact Club, Rotarians worked to remove trash throughout the park.
Cleaning Up Canada's Great Lakes 2022-04-29 04:00:00Z 0

A Call to Action

Rotary's Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup

To mark Earth Day in April 2021, Rotary District 7070 issued a challenge to all its clubs to participate in the Rotary Great Lakes Watershed Cleanup during the week of April 17 - 24, 2021. Rotary Toronto West continued the project this year by focusing cleanup efforts in Tom Riley Park.  With the assistance of members of the Etobicoke Collegiate Institute Interact Club, Rotarians worked to remove trash throughout the park.
A Call to Action 2022-04-29 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Supports the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

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This year, September 30th will mark the first National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, honouring lost children and  Survivors of residential schools, as well as their families and communities. Public acknowledgment of the painful history and ongoing impacts of residential schools is an essential aspect of the reconciliation process.
Rotary Supports the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation 2021-09-24 04:00:00Z 0

Hope Floats

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Families Find Security at Women's Habitat in Etobicoke: Since 1978, Women's Habitat Etobicoke (WHE) has been offering shelter, outreach and resources to families in crisis.  The shelter accommodates 25 people and operates around the clock, every day of the week.  While the pandemic has changed the way staff connect with clients and how some services are delivered, Women's Habitat has expanded its outreach, feeding nearly 1700 people from March to November, 2020.  Manager Lina Almanzan told us more about how WHE is accomplishing these incredible results.
Hope Floats 2021-03-11 05:00:00Z 0

Dave Cook: Fading History - Stories of Etobicoke and Mississauga

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Local Author Keeps Municipal Histories Alive and Vibrant: Recollections of high school history classes might make you yawn, but Canadian history, and the histories of Etobicoke and Mississauga in particular, contain some fascinating stories.  Local historian, author and politician Dave Cook loves to share them.
Dave Cook: Fading History - Stories of Etobicoke and Mississauga 2021-01-21 05:00:00Z 0

Darren Wilson: Meeting the Needs of Toronto's Indigenous Youth

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Native Child and Family Services of Toronto Helps Indigenous Youth Claim Their Place

Toronto has an indigenous population estimated to be approximately 69,000 people.  Within this substantial group are vulnerable youth (up to 30 years of age), who need culturally sensitive assistance to find their place in metropolitan Toronto.  Darren Wilson, Manager for Youth Services, told us how Native Child and Family Services of Toronto works to bridge gaps.
Darren Wilson: Meeting the Needs of Toronto's Indigenous Youth 2020-10-15 04:00:00Z 0

Heroes and Champions at RTW

7070 District Governor Mark Chipman Celebrates RTW's "Superheroes"

The Rotary Clubs of Toronto West, Ajax and Uxbridge spent an enjoyable time together learning about the clubs' activities and contributions to their communities.  District Governor Mark Chipman joined in to share a motivational vision for the unusual times in which we find ourselves:
What if 2020 wasn't cancelled?
What if 2020 became Rotary's most important year yet?
What if 2020 becomes the year when Rotary evolves into an organization that is more accessible, recognized and community-involved than ever before?
What if the District's strategy and the Clubs' efforts prove to be exactly what is needed now?
Heroes and Champions at RTW 2020-09-03 04:00:00Z 0

Courtney McNamara: Virtual Fundraising

2020 Heralds New Approaches to Online Events

Zoom.  Skype.  Webex.
Most of us have had a chance to experience the new version of face-to-face interactions, pandemic-style.  The requirements for social distancing have created a whole new landscape for event planners, as technology now enables them to create virtual spaces that can be as fun and stimulating as physical ones.  
Courtney McNamara from King Events explained how this works in the presentation featured here.
Courtney McNamara: Virtual Fundraising  2020-06-18 04:00:00Z 0

Inspirations Studio Helps Women Create New Futures

Pottery Making Sets the Focus on New Futures for Women

For more than 20 years, Inspirations Studio has been assisting women in need of a transition to a more satisfying and secure life by teaching them the skills and art of making pottery.  Women also learn to be teachers themselves as well as entrepreneurs.  Gudrun Olafsdottir and Isabella Tatar (in picture on the left) shared the vision of the organization with us.
Inspirations Studio Helps Women Create New Futures 2020-06-11 04:00:00Z 0

Julie Brown: The Abiding Comfort of Dorothy Ley Hospice

“We will not leave you. We will watch with you. We will be there.”  ~ Dr. Dorothy Ley

Dorothy Ley was an oncologist with a vision for the care of people with terminal conditions.  She wanted to create a comfortable, comforting space in which people could experience the end of life with dignity and compassion.  This led to her pioneering efforts in hospice care in Ontario, and the eventual construction of the hospice facility which bears her name and stands as a tribute to her legacy.  Julie Brown shared this inspiring story with us.
Julie Brown: The Abiding Comfort of Dorothy Ley Hospice 2020-04-09 04:00:00Z 0

Here's What We've Been Doing Lately: Zooming!

RTW Just Keeps Zooming Along!

Like many others doing Covid-19 huddles, RTW is continuing its tradition of weekly meetings - virtually! We are still here doing the work needed to provide support and comfort in trying times. Speakers are still making honoured appearances as able - check out our stories to learn more.
Here's What We've Been Doing Lately: Zooming! 2020-04-02 04:00:00Z 0

ECI Supports Days For Girls

ECI Interact Supports Days For Girls

Maria Pollieri, Toronto team leader for the Toronto Chapter of Days for Girls, provides an introduction of how today's sewing party will help girls stay in school and live a better life.
ECI Supports Days For Girls John Stevenson 2020-02-25 05:00:00Z 0

Richard Mewhinney: Green Oranges for Sustainable Living in Uganda

Water for Fruit Trees Transformed a Town in Uganda

Ongutoi is a village in central east Uganda that had a languishing local economy and poor access to healthcare until Rotary-sponsored projects created a medical centre and transformed barren ground into a grove of Valencia orange trees.  Richard Mewhinney from the Rotary Club of Newmarket, who has led this project for several years, explained how this near-miracle unfolded.
Richard Mewhinney: Green Oranges for Sustainable Living in Uganda 2020-01-16 05:00:00Z 0

Zarmina Nekzai and Canadian Community Organization for Women and Youth

Hockey Girls: Gender Equality in Afghanistan and Beyond

Petite, courageous and focussed, Zarmina Nekzai has made it her life's work to advance gender equality in Afghanistan and internationally by promoting education for girls and women.  As an embodiment of the spirit of Rotary, Zarmina's personal story is a triumphant illustration of what can happen when people take action.
Zarmina Nekzai and Canadian Community Organization for Women and Youth 2020-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

Patti Wright: RTW's Projects in Ukraine

Changing Young Lives in Ukraine

Rivne, Ukraine is not what you might think.  The bustling city seems to be thriving and yet healthcare and other forms of support for children with disabilities are sadly lacking.  Being handicapped is the 4th leading cause of death in Ukraine and children with disabilities are often abandoned by their families.  Over the past four years, RTW has sponsored several projects directed to supporting these kids and Patti Wright visited in September to see first hand the difference they've made.
Patti Wright: RTW's Projects in Ukraine 2019-11-28 05:00:00Z 0

Scotch Nosing Success!

RTW Hosts Sold Out Scotch Nosing Event
The Rotary Club of Toronto West held it's annual Scotch Nosing fundraiser at the Lambton Golf and Country Club on the evening of November 14th. The event had sold-out quickly and lived up to its own superlative standards, featuring a five course gourmet meal, each course paired with a premium scotch whiskey. What was on the menu? Read more to find out!
Scotch Nosing Success! 2019-11-26 05:00:00Z 0

Willis Rudy: My Life in Nepal, 1958 - 1961

Three Years in Nepal Changed His Life

At 22, Willis Rudy felt adrift: his career in music seemed at a dead-end, he was struggling financially and wasn't sure what to do next.  So, of course, he went to Nepal.  Willis shared some of the highlights of his new book, My Life in Nepal, 1958 - 1961 with us.
Willis Rudy: My Life in Nepal, 1958 - 1961 2019-10-17 04:00:00Z 0

FEAT for Children Of Incarcerated Parents

Restoring Connections In Vulnerable Families

Jessica Reid understands a child's heartbreak when a parent is absent.  Her own experience with this and her subsequent joy at being reunited with her dad, Derek Reid, is what led them to found FEAT in 2011, now a registered charity with a challenging mandate, as encapsulated by the acronym in their name.  Derek was visibly moved as he told us about how FEAT for Children of Incarcerated Parents was founded and why it is committed to tackling these challenges day by day.
FEAT for Children Of Incarcerated Parents  2019-10-03 04:00:00Z 0

iIMPACT Wraparound

Building Connections To Prevent Gun Violence

Gun violence exists in a complex social context that draws on other determinants of health such as poverty, hunger and lack of access to Toronto's civic resources.  Toronto Police Services representative Isabelle Cotton and entertainment mogul Farley Flex spoke about a project to create a cell phone app in connection with the iIMPACT Wraparound initiative to help families and youth who are vulnerable to gun violence find support.  
iIMPACT Wraparound  2019-09-19 04:00:00Z 0

Atlas 365: Accelerating Low Carbon Consumerism

Using hemp to fight climate change

Green house gas emissions contribute to global warming and climate change.  The air pollution they cause is associated with increases in dementia and respiratory problems.  The issues connected with green house gases are costing the economy billions of dollars.
Imagine being so moved to act on these issues that you would put your career in law on hold to devote yourself fully to this cause - using hemp as the medium for change.  That's what Akeem Gardner did, and he told us why.
Atlas 365: Accelerating Low Carbon Consumerism 2019-09-05 04:00:00Z 0
PEOPLE OF ACTION: RTW and DAYS FOR GIRLS, 2019 Update 2019-08-22 04:00:00Z 0
Carlos Bastidas and The Ontario Pops Orchestra 2019-08-01 04:00:00Z 0

2019 UPDATE:  Adopt a Village In Laos – Bringing Health And Happiness To Villagers In Laos

Posted by Linda Braendel on Jul 18, 2019
Steve Rutledge, a Rotarian who knows how to make a difference visited us this month to give us an update on the work of bringing clean water to villages in Laos. One of Rotary Foundation’s Areas of Focus is Providing Clean Water and Steve works energetically towards this goal.
2019 Update:  In the past year, AAVIL has aided more than 2,700 people living in remote areas in Laos with improved access to clean water and sanitary facilities.  The provision of items to support feminine hygiene during menstruation is an additional outreach initiative in this area that is having a tremendous impact.  Read on to learn more about this vitally important project.
2019 UPDATE:  Adopt a Village In Laos – Bringing Health And Happiness To Villagers In Laos Linda Braendel 2019-07-18 04:00:00Z 0
Rick Gosling: The Children's Breakfast Club 2019-07-11 04:00:00Z 0

The Scott Mission - The Miracle On Spadina

Changing Lives with Kindness and Spiritual Wholeness

The Scott Mission has been a fixture in Toronto for over 78 years, providing practical and spiritual support to vulnerable people.  Alex Ng told us about how he became involved with the Scott Mission, and what their efforts have accomplished.
The Scott Mission - The Miracle On Spadina 2019-07-04 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Works with Canada's First Nations

Rotary HIP Supports Indigenous Youth Through Education

Canada's First Nations peoples are a special resource who have faced many challenges.  When Rotarians asked how we could help, the clear and compelling response was "through education."  John Currie told his story of a personal awakening to the needs of the indigenous people his community, and how this led to the formation of Rotary HIP.
Rotary Works with Canada's First Nations 2019-06-20 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary and Toronto's Argos Partner for Youth Leadership

Rotary and The Toronto Argonauts On Board for Youth Leadership

Rotary Clubs in the GTA are partnering with Maple Leaf Sports & Entertainment Ltd. (MLSE) and the Toronto Argonauts to provide youth leadership training combined with the enjoyment of professional football.
Rotary and Toronto's Argos Partner for Youth Leadership 2019-06-13 04:00:00Z 0

Bringing Fresh Water to Al'Qaa, Lebanon

Bringing Fresh Water to Al'Qaa, Lebanon

Water and sanitation projects are central to Rotary International's mission.  For landlocked areas in the middle east, such as Al'Qaa (Elkaa, El Kaa), Lebanon, accessing fresh water for drinking and other everyday needs can be a huge challenge.  Wasim Jarrah, from the Rotary Club of Newmarket, told us about the club's ongoing project to provide assistance.
Bringing Fresh Water to Al'Qaa, Lebanon 2019-06-06 04:00:00Z 0

Putting the Future in Focus

The War Amps Put the Future in Focus for Young and Old 

2018 was the 100th anniversary of the War Amps organization and its efforts to have amputees help amputees to adapt to the challenges associated with amputation.  The War Amps programs have expanded and changed during its tenure, and it looks forward to continuing its mission in a country the founding World War I veterans would scarcely recognize.
Putting the Future in Focus 2019-05-23 04:00:00Z 0

The Little Sun Solar Lamp Lights Up Ethiopia

Solar Lights Shine in the Night for the Displaced 

The Etobicoke branch of the Canadian Federation of University Women was looking for a project to mark their 100th anniversary and chose to bring light to displaced people living in primitive camps in Ethiopia through their connections with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) of the United Nations.  
The Little Sun Solar Lamp Lights Up Ethiopia 2019-05-09 04:00:00Z 0
Drs. Philip and Nancy Wood - Healthcare in the Democratic Republic of Congo 2019-05-09 04:00:00Z 0

April 2019 Update on the Amarok Society

"Teach a mother, change the world"

The Amarok Society educates about 3,000 students in Bangladesh by teaching mothers how to teach children. Amarok Society's programs target the poorest women in the slums of Bangladesh, women for whom a job paying $1 per day would be prized. Educating them to teach Bangladeshi, English and mathematics to children raises the literacy and numeracy levels of the entire community.  We recently received a letter from the mother we sponsor, Sathi, updating us on her progress.
April 2019 Update on the Amarok Society 2019-05-02 04:00:00Z 0
Denis Doracin: CrossFit Training for Health at Any Age 2019-05-02 04:00:00Z 0
Mahad Shazad: Using Social Interaction for Mental Health in Vulnerable Populations 2019-04-18 04:00:00Z 0

Sylvia Kwan: Community Policing in Action

Bridging Gaps and Building Awareness Through Community Policing

Advocating for a heightened police presence in afflicted neighbourhoods.  Educating the public about trends in crimes that could affect them.  Promoting awareness of the Community Police Liaison Committee.  Sex trafficking in Etobicoke.  Sylvia Kwan tolds us about all this and much more.
Sylvia Kwan: Community Policing in Action 2019-04-11 04:00:00Z 0

Harold Rudy: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People

Ensuring Food Security For Growing Populations

Harold Rudy is an expert on various aspects of agribusiness and conservation.  He dished the dirt about the importance of soil health/conservation, science and technology, and people's habits related to diet and food management to highlight the challenges in global food security.
Harold spent his formative years on a Mennonite family farm in Waterloo County as one of ten siblings, including RTW member Willis Rudy, who taught Harold how to drive a tractor at the early age of about 6 years.  So began Harold's fascination with agriculture.
Harold attended the University of Guelph, where he earned a B. Sc. (Agriculture) and a M. Sc. (Rural Planning and Development) as the foundation for a thirty year career devoted to promoting the environmental stewardship programs of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association (OSCIA).  He has authored a book called The Soil Fixers which covers some of his experiences working with farmers and agricultural specialists on issues related to soil protection, conservation, and sustainability.
Harold continues to live on the family farm that was originally established in 1929.  Even after 90 years of production, it continues to be actively farmed by one of Harold's neighbours.
Harold Rudy: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People 2019-03-21 04:00:00Z 0

ECI Interactors Support Days For Girls

Posted by John Stevenson on Feb 22, 2019

ECI Interact Club improves the lives of girls internationally through Days For Girls

RTW sponsors the ECI Interact Club and provides financial and practical support to Days For Girls.
Over 30 Interact students of ECI volunteered to stay after classes to fabricate kits for the local Toronto chapter of the international Days for Girls organization. Thousands of kits are sent to schools in SE Asia and Africa where it is common for young girls to miss out on several days of important schooling each month due to menstruation.
Photo credits: John Stevenson
ECI Interactors Support Days For Girls John Stevenson 2019-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

The 20th Annual Rotary Youth Impact Awards: Honouring Excellence in Etobicoke

Rotary Toronto West hosts the Rotary Youth Impact Awards in January each year to recognize and honour people in the community who have contributed significantly to the support and development of youth. At the 20th awards ceremony held on January 25, 2019, we were privileged to give the Lifetime Achievement Award to Denise Bebenek [third from right], founder of Meagan's Walk: Creating a Circle of Hope and to also recognize [left to right] Michelle Tomlinson, Karen White-Rosewell, Jamal Campbell, Dhakshan Ravibalan, Taylor Jennings, Claire Nelson and Bruce Boyd, all of whom contribute enormously to making Etobicoke a place where youth can thrive.
The 20th Annual Rotary Youth Impact Awards: Honouring Excellence in Etobicoke 2019-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Scotch Nosing Success 2018

RTW Hosts Sold Out Scotch Nosing Event

The Rotary Club of Toronto West held it's annual Scotch Nosing fundraiser at the Lambton Golf and Country Club on the evening of November 29th. The event had sold-out quickly and lived up to its own superlative standards, featuring a five course gourmet meal, each course paired with a premium scotch whiskey. What was on the menu? Read more to find out!
Scotch Nosing Success 2018 2018-11-29 05:00:00Z 0

Feeding Tummies and Fueling Potential with Kids Against Hunger

Youth Power Was In Full Force at the Kids Against Hunger Food Packing Event

RTW  and the Rotary Club of Etobicoke support the efforts of Kids Against Hunger to provide nourishing food to families in Canada and around the world.  On November 24th, Etobicoke Rotary member Gillian Dugas had everything organized in superlative fashion, supported by husband Andre and fellow club members Greg Dobson, Lynda Ryder, Hugh Williams, Iosef Ciosa and Ron Miller.
Attending from RTW were President Stephen Thiele, Doug Williams and wife Jo, David Crack, Sarah D'Aversa, Susan McCoy with visiting Rotarian Lauren Buss from the Barrie Huronia Rotary Club, Janet McKenzie, Mike Newediuk, John Muto and club photographer John Stevenson.
What made this event really special though was the attendance of droves of young people from Air Cadet Squadron 700 and the Division 22 Police Rovers.
And, as usual, the Salvation Army on Kipling were our gracious and accommodating hosts.
45 Members of the "700 David Hornell VC Squadron" Air CadetsMembers of the 22 Division Police Rovers with Iosif Ciosa
Feeding Tummies and Fueling Potential with Kids Against Hunger 2018-11-29 05:00:00Z 0

Merry Christmas from Canada to the Philippines!

Interact Clubs spread Christmas cheer to elementary students in the Philippines

RTW supports the efforts of the Lakeshore Foundation's Phillip Barker to provide much needed school supplies to Baybay Central School in the Philippines under the guise of gifts from Santa every December.  This creates an ideal opportunity for Interactors to share the joy of a Canadian-style Christmas and give Santa some much needed assistance responding to the hundreds of letters the Baybay students write.
  Photo credit: Mary Gaudet, toronto.com
Merry Christmas from Canada to the Philippines! 2018-11-29 05:00:00Z 0

Olympian Sami Jo Small: Choose How You Play

Olympic Medalist Sami Jo Small Shares the Secret of Teamwork

RTW was pleased to learn about teamwork from someone who has devoted herself to it in the pursuit of Olympic excellence.  As a winner of 2 gold medals and a silver one won representing Canada in women's hockey at three Olympic Games, Sami cultivated the habit of dedication to her sport at an age when some of us would barely be able to keep our elbows out of our breakfast cereal...
Olympian Sami Jo Small: Choose How You Play 2018-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Sean Cragg: Canada's Aviation Wonder - The Avro Arrow

Rotary Toronto West was privileged to welcome professional engineer Sean Cragg to speak to us about the history of the Avro Arrow, one of Canada's greatest aeronautics achievements. Sean described the Arrow as setting the gold medal standard for its era.   Initially designed in 1953 by A.V. Roe Canada, it took 4 years of work to bring it to roll-out status, which occurred on October 4, 1957.  The period during which the Arrow was being designed, built, tested and launched constituted a "perfect storm" of design issues and politics.  The original Rolls Royce engine proved to have problems so a new engine was designed by Orenda, with a 5:1 thrust ratio.  This made it one of the most powerful engines for its time and enabled the plane to fly at speeds exceeding Mach 1.98.
Sean Cragg: Canada's Aviation Wonder - The Avro Arrow 2018-10-10 04:00:00Z 0
Lauren McCallum's Update on Montgomery's Inn Culinary Arts Project 2018-08-16 04:00:00Z 0

Project Amigo

"Transforming lives through education in Colima, Mexico"

Project Amigo began 34 years ago as a result of an experience of Rotarian Ted Rose, who became an accidental tourist in the vicinity of Colima and nearby Cofradia when he took the wrong bus when he was looking for a volcano in the area, Volcan di Colima.  He was so struck by the kindness and generosity of the people of the village, who were  impoverished, that he was moved to repay their kindness in a typically Rotarian way.  After much thought and discussion with local people, he decided to provide assistance to educate the children of this area.  Edmonton area Rotarian Merle Taylor gave an aspiring account of Project Amigo's history and ongoing activities.
Project Amigo 2018-08-02 04:00:00Z 0
2019 RYIA to Honour Denise Bebenek As Lifetime Achievement Award Recipient 2018-07-12 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary International Convention, Toronto 2018 2018-07-05 04:00:00Z 0

10 Reasons to Love Rotary

#10 Because our future is bright 

Rotaract brings together people ages 18 to 30 in universities and communities worldwide to organize service activities, develop leadership and professional skills, and have fun. If you’ve ever been to a Rotaract meeting or volunteered at RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Awards), you’ve already glimpsed one of the most vibrant parts of Rotary. Our programs for the 20-something and younger set are designed to mentor young leaders and bring generations together.
10 Reasons to Love Rotary 2018-06-22 04:00:00Z 0

David McKillop: Legal Aid Ontario

David McKillop, VP at Legal Aid Ontario, spoke to us on May 24, 2018 about this organization's role in the province's legal system.  Legal Aid Ontario (LAO) is a non-profit organization, jointly funded by the provincial and federal governments, which provides high quality legal representation to people who could not independently afford representation.  These people are vulnerable individuals whose problems could derail already precarious lives, especially when criminal charges are involved.
David McKillop: Legal Aid Ontario 2018-05-24 04:00:00Z 0
Jay Llave and the Lakeshore Charitable Foundation: Supporting Education in the Philipines 2018-05-10 04:00:00Z 0

Chris Hatch: Food Insecurity in Canada

Chris Hatch is the newly appointed CEO of Food Banks Canada, the national organization dedicated to promoting access to high quality food for all across Canada.  He spoke to us about the operations of Food Banks Canada and the issue of food insecurity in Canada on April 12, 2018. Every March, Food Banks Canada collects data from as many food banks as possible across Canada to generate statistics on food bank use.  The sources include food bank chains, independently operated food banks, soup kitchens, in-school food programs and more.  The HungerCount Report is used by governments in setting policies intended to target the 850,000 or more Canadians who rely on food banks.  One third of food bank users are children and one sixth of them are people who are employed but are not able to make ends meet due to high housing costs, low wages and/or poor access to full time employment or employment benefits.  Food bank use is considered to be a barometer for poverty in Canada and unfortunately no progress has been seen in these statistics for many years.  As a national association, Food Banks Canada assists its members in three ways: with funding, with food and with advocacy.
Chris Hatch: Food Insecurity in Canada 2018-04-12 04:00:00Z 0

Diabetes: it's more than you think

On February 8, 2018, we were pleased to welcome Nicole Holden-Durinlson, who is the Ontario Coordinator for Diabetes Canada, and colleague Jeremy Steinhausen, the GTA Community Engagement Coordinator.  Jeremy gave a presentation on the impact of diabetes on Canadians and how Diabetes Canada  is responding.
Diabetes: it's more than you think 2018-02-12 05:00:00Z 0

Rotary Youth Impact Awards 2018 – What A Night!

Mr Tom (Tamas) Mihalik Was Honoured at the 19th Annual Youth Impact Awards Dinner Friday, January 26th, 2018 at The Old Mill Inn

It’s amazing what we can accomplish when hearts and minds work together.  The Rotary Club of Toronto West has been taking action for many years to bring lasting change in our communities by empowering our youth.


Rotary Youth Impact Awards 2018 – What A Night! 2018-02-01 05:00:00Z 0

Welcoming Old Friends

Left to right: Brian Hicks, Willis Rudy, Mason Hicks, Gaston Bottero
Our meeting on May 18, 2017 was made even more emjoyable by an unexpected reunion with some "old" friends, former RTW president Brian Hicks and his lovely daughter Mason. Brian and his family left the Toronto area several years ago to pursue opportunities in Devon, Alberta.  During his five years with RTW, Brian served very capably as President and his leadership was as much admired as appreciated.  Now a highly regarded business operator in Devon, his old RTW comrades were delighted to reminisce and make promises (threats?) of visits to Alberta. Rotary Toronto West wish Brian and his family all the best and hope to have them join us again soon.
Welcoming Old Friends 2017-10-16 04:00:00Z 0
Michael Prosserman and Unity: Fostering Resilience in Youth with Hip Hop 2017-09-22 04:00:00Z 0

Michelle Goulter: Using Canada's Summer Camp Culture To Develop Rural Australian Youth

Michelle Goulter has come a long way from her roots in Millmerran, a town of about 2,000 souls in Queensland, Australia.  Several years ago, she came to Canada in search of an adventure and discovered a love of camping so inspiring to her that she now works as the representative for Camp Canada to Australia and New Zealand.  She is unabashedly passionate about the power of summer camps to motivate and develop young people, so much so that she is determined to bring the summer camp experience to her home town in Australia. Michelle described the Darling Downs area in which Millmerran is located as one that lacks social services and opportunities for young people.
Michelle Goulter: Using Canada's Summer Camp Culture To Develop Rural Australian Youth 2017-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotarian Stephen Thiele Wins Lawyers’ Award!

Our member Stephen Thiele was honoured to receive the Honsberger Award from the Toronto Lawyers Association (TLA) at their annual meeting in March. The Honsberger Award is named in honour of John D. Honsberger, President of the Toronto Lawyers Association in 1967-68, and is in recognition of a single unique accomplishment or ongoing contributions to the legal community and the community at large, exemplifying the TLA’s three pillars: Knowledge, Advocacy and Community.
Rotarian Stephen Thiele Wins Lawyers’ Award! 2017-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Health, Out Loud

"If you ask me what I came into this life to do, I will tell you: I came to live out loud." Emile Zola
Health Out Loud, a name that might have been inspired by Emile Zola's thought, began as one of Managing Director Stephanie Wang's health projects - a series of discussion nights about what health meant and why knowledge about health was sometimes so inaccessible.  These discussions led to the formation of a non-profit organization, a network of friends and associates, whose shared mission is to make health information relevant and fun.  
Health, Out Loud 2017-05-18 04:00:00Z 0

Welcoming Richview Collegiate Institute's New Interact Club

On Tuesday, May 9, 2017, the Rotary Club of Toronto West co-sponsored the creation of the Richview Collegiate Institute Interact Club. Thanks to the efforts of Anisah Kirefu, the Interact Club President, Rotarian Patti Wright and a staff member at Richview, Dr. Andrea Brozyna, this Interact Club was formed in a very short period of time this year. The club has 21 members, many of whom are in Grades 9 and 10. The formal founding meeting was well attended by the new members, their parents and Rotarians from various clubs, including the Rotary Club of Etobicoke (the other co-sponsoring club) and Rotary Club of Toronto. District Governor Jim Louittit welcomed the new club and fun was had by all.  
Click "Read more" to view our photo album of this great event!
Welcoming Richview Collegiate Institute's New Interact Club 2017-05-11 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary in Action in the Dominican Republic 2017-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary and Interact - Making a Difference on Earth Day

April 22, 2017, which was Earth Day and Global Youth Services Day, found the Rotary clubs of Etobicoke and Toronto West joining forces with the Interact clubs of Etobicoke Collegiate and Richview Collegiate to clean up James Gardens in the heart of Etobicoke.  James Gardens is a beautiful park that borders the Humber River.  As a group of about 50, we collected over 20 bags of trash and got a chance to enjoy some spectacular scenery at the same time.  Click the "Read more" button to view the photo album of this fun and important community event.
Rotary and Interact - Making a Difference on Earth Day 2017-04-26 04:00:00Z 0

A Platform For Doing Good In The World: The Rotary Foundation

On April 20th, 2017, we were privileged to have a distinguished Rotarian, Oshawa Parkwood Rotary Club member Ted Morrison, join us to explain the workings of the Rotary Foundation.  A Rotary member for more than 30 years, Ted has served on his club's Board of Directors (7 Years) and as President (2000), and has been the recipient of several awards including “Rotarian of the Year” (1998), “Paul Harris Fellowship” (2001), and “Outstanding Service to Rotary Award” (2006).  Ted has also served at the district level (District 7070) as an Assistant Governor for 3 years and as a contributing member to the Grants Committee and the Visioning Team.
A Platform For Doing Good In The World: The Rotary Foundation 2017-04-20 04:00:00Z 0

MICAP: Rotary Supports Baking and Breaking Bread at Montgomery's Inn with Etobicoke's Youth

On April 13th, we were joined by Lauren McCallum, Montgomery's Inn Museum program officer.  Lauren's talk focused on the Montgomery's Inn Culinary Arts Project (MICAP), one of several programs that target children and youth, supported in part by this Rotary Club.  Launched as The Food Project in 2013, the program has since expanded and is geared to students from grades 7 to 12 who learn how to shop for fresh produce at a Farmers' Market, make pizza in an outdoor brick oven and roast chickens over an open fire. Students are placed in small groups and work with student mentors and staff leaders to learn about food preparation and safe food handling.  Guest chefs and soon-to-be graduate chefs from Humber College provide mentorship. Currently, the program offers 3 sessions for up to 24 students: two that run for 13 weeks each and a third (summer) session that runs for 6 weeks.  Some students return annually and may become mentors to other participants.  
MICAP: Rotary Supports Baking and Breaking Bread at Montgomery's Inn with Etobicoke's Youth 2017-04-17 04:00:00Z 0

Krista Kruja, RTW's Candidate for Rotary's Global Scholarship

Update April 10, 2017: Congratulations to Krista Kruja for being awarded one of Rotary's Global Scholarships!
March 31, 2017:   Krista spoke to us at our March 30th meeting to provide an overview of her background and the importance of health policy. As a person of Albanian ethnicity born in Austria and raised in Canada who completed an internship with the World Health Organization in Copenhagen, Krista has already been exposed to the health policies and politics of several countries.  She has seen how other countries use evidenced-based decision-making to factor health implications into policies set by a broad range of governmental departments or ministries, not just those directly concerned with health , and aspires to see this approach used across Canada (see: Health In All).
Krista Kruja, RTW's Candidate for Rotary's Global Scholarship 2017-04-10 04:00:00Z 0

How Safe Is Your Nest Egg? Pension Funds Could Be Riskier Than You Think

Lisa Melchior, founder and president of VERTU Capital, joined us at this morning's meeting to speak about something most of us don't consider: the risks associated with our investments in privately managed pension funds.  Lisa comes well equiped for this kind of discussion.  Having worked for Wood Gundy, CIBC Capital Partners and OMERS (Ontario Municipal Employees Retirement System), she knows the investment industry well.  
How Safe Is Your Nest Egg? Pension Funds Could Be Riskier Than You Think 2017-04-06 04:00:00Z 0

Aangen Changes Lives By Helping Communities Thrive

Aangen's roots arise from the initiatives of a woman, Mataji or "dear mother", who decided 18 years ago to open her home on Wednesdays to people interested in her healing food and teas, and meditation. She passed these traditions to her daughter, granddaughter and finally her great granddaughter, Executive Director Gurbeen Bhasin who currently runs Aangen, with the assistance of Heather Maciel, Aangen Community Centre's program director.The word "aangen" is derived from Sanskrit. Heather explained that it refers to a courtyard, an area of safey and nurturing within a community. Aangen has been operating as a self-sustained, non-grant based, not-for-profit organization since 2000, serving a "community" which ranges from the local area to international sites. It's programs are community-driven, defined by the people in need not just for them. That's something we can all care about.
Click "Read more" to watch a video of Heather's presentation.
Aangen Changes Lives By Helping Communities Thrive 2017-04-03 04:00:00Z 0

Understanding Your Online Risks

Recently, our own Nick Galletto schooled us on the risks of being online.  If you missed this terrific presentation, you can view the slides by clicking the "Read more" button below.
Understanding Your Online Risks 2017-02-22 05:00:00Z 0

Our 18th Annual 2017 Rotary Youth Impact Awards Gala was a Huge Success!

Posted by Leighton Reid
Our fundraising gala was held on January 27 2017 at The Old Mill Inn, with over 200 guests enjoying the silent auction, a fine dinner and the awards presentation.  The highlight of the evening was the presentation of a Lifetime Achievement Award to Dr. Roberta Bondar,  Canada's first female astronaut, the first neurologist in space, and an inspiration to youth throughout the world. Dr. Bondar was NASA's head of space medicine for a decade followed by a career as a consultant and speaker in the business, scientific and medical communities.
Our 18th Annual 2017 Rotary Youth Impact Awards Gala was a Huge Success! Leighton Reid 2017-02-13 05:00:00Z 0
Vocational Month: York and Cinespace Collaborate!  Leighton Reid and Willis Rudy 2017-01-09 05:00:00Z 0

Nick Galletto Honoured As Paul Harris Fellow

Posted by Leighton Reid on Dec 07, 2016
At our Holiday Dinner on December 7, 2017, Nick Galletto was presented with a certificate and pin honouring him as our latest Paul Harris Fellow.
The Paul Harris Fellow recognition is The Rotary Foundation’s way of expressing its appreciation for a substantial financial contribution to its humanitarian and educational programs. It is named for our founder, Paul Harris, a Chicago lawyer who started Rotary International with three business associates in 1905.
Nick Galletto Honoured As Paul Harris Fellow Leighton Reid 2016-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

RTW in the News: Writing Letters for Santa

Posted by Janet McKenzie on Dec 07, 2016
On December 8th, members of Rotary Toronto West and Etobicoke Collegiate Institute's Interact Club combined forces to respond as Santa to approximately 700 letters written by children in Baybay, Philipines. The press were there to cover this very successful event. More details and pictures coming soon. Why not plan on joining in next year? It will guarantee your spot on Santa's "Nice" list!
RTW in the News: Writing Letters for Santa Janet McKenzie 2016-12-07 05:00:00Z 0

How to Declutter Your Life and Start Living

Posted by Leighton Reid on Dec 05, 2016
Remember that ashtray you bought in Arizona as a souvenir years ago, and you don’t even smoke any more?
How about that ugly couch you inherited from your Aunt?  Or those clothes you haven't worn in ten years?
Over the years, “stuff” accumulates and you think to yourself “Well, I may need that some day”. Until your place starts to look like the television show “Hoarders”.
But a cluttering problem is easily fixable.
How to Declutter Your Life and Start Living Leighton Reid 2016-12-05 05:00:00Z 0

RTW and Kids Against Hunger

Posted by Janet McKenzie on Nov 20, 2016
Rotary Toronto West had a significant turn-out of volunteers to assist the Kids Against Hunger event organized in partnership with Rotary Club of Etobicoke. Volunteers from Interact, Rotaract, and 22 Division of the Toronto Police were also among the 100 or so people involved in packing food destined for locations close to home and abroad (Haiti). Thanks to all who participated! More photos and details about this very successful event coming soon - in the meantime, check out the video below!
RTW and Kids Against Hunger Janet McKenzie 2016-11-20 05:00:00Z 0

Echoes of the Past:  Visit Toronto’s Village of Murals

Posted by Leighton Reid on Nov 13, 2016
The past comes alive vibrantly in Islington, Toronto's Village of Murals.  
The village of Islington is located on Dundas Street West between Montgomery Road and Kipling Avenue.  
With a history spanning more than 200 years, proximity to Mimico Creek and Dundas Street, with its role in connecting York (now Toronto) with all of southwestern Ontario, were factors in attracting settlers to the Islington area, and these features remain important to the modern day "settlers" who live and do business in this area.
On November 10, we were privileged to be able to borrow Lola Macanowicz, Chairperson of the Islington Village Business Improvement Area (BIA) to get an inside glimpse of the workings of the BIA of this historic location.
Echoes of the Past:  Visit Toronto’s Village of Murals  Leighton Reid 2016-11-13 05:00:00Z 0

Clean Water and a Better Future: WASRAG

Posted by Janet McKenzie on Nov 03, 2016
Imagine what might happen if 20 jumbo jets crashed every day.  The public outcry to end the carnage would be huge, and the world would come together in a concerted effort to make it stop.  Contrast this with the realization that an equivalent number of people, about 8,000, most of them children, are dying daily because of lack of access to clean water and safe sanitary facilities.  Where is the outcry?  What is being done to end this?  These are the questions that Dr. Ronald Denham, an operations team member for WASRAG, is asking Rotarians to consider, as we learned in his presentation at Rotary Toronto West on November 3, 2016.
Clean Water and a Better Future: WASRAG Janet McKenzie 2016-11-03 04:00:00Z 0
Renovating Your Home: Be Careful Out There, Says Paul Napolitano Linda Braendel 2016-10-11 04:00:00Z 0

The Skid Row CEO Will Rev Up Rotary!

Posted by Janet McKenzie on Oct 06, 2016
Joe Roberts, The Skid Row CEO, will be revving up Rotary at the 7070 District Conference on Sunday October 22, 2016.  Joe Roberts, who overcame poverty and addiction to become an author, CEO and sought-after motivational speaker, uses his “spare time” to support initiatives such as The Push For Change, which raises funds to combat youth homelessness, and 360˚kids to help children in crisis. 
The Skid Row CEO Will Rev Up Rotary! Janet McKenzie 2016-10-06 04:00:00Z 0
Enter the Brave New World of the “Connected Car” Leighton Reid 2016-09-25 04:00:00Z 0
Good Fun and Competition on the Golf Course Linda Braendel 2016-09-21 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Helps Youth Through Microskills: A Personal Success Story

Posted by Leighton Reid on Sep 18, 2016
Homelessness and joblessness did not keep Kristoff from following his dream.
Kristoff came to the MicroSkills Rotary Youth Centre as a newcomer from Jamaica. His passion for food and cooking was immediately clear in his eagerness to volunteer for the afterschool program snack preparation. In 2012, Kris enrolled in the Microskills Pre-Cook Apprenticeship Program delivered in partnership with Humber College. After completing the program, Kris faced new challenges such as difficulties finding and retaining employment. He was also homeless for a time...
Rotary Helps Youth Through Microskills: A Personal Success Story Leighton Reid 2016-09-18 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Toronto West: Having Fun On The Kingsway

Posted by Linda Braendel on Sep 11, 2016
Many kids enjoyed making buttons with the Rotaractors. They enjoyed selecting the decorations from a large array of stickers and markers; the creativity was amazing and it was fun seeing their faces when the completed button jumped out of the machine and was pinned on their shirts.  
As always, it is fun to get out in public to spread the word about Rotary and it’s fulfilling to see the spark of interest in the faces of many of the people approached.
Rotary Toronto West: Having Fun On The Kingsway Linda Braendel 2016-09-11 04:00:00Z 0

Filling a Need and Bringing a Vision to Reality

Posted by Linda Braendel on Sep 06, 2016
Sarah Ali, along with five other caring, determined, passionate mothers got together under the banner of the Somali Parents Liaison Coalition to create a summer camp for thirty vulnerable children that brought much joy, safety and opportunity to both parents and children. Sarah spoke to Rotary September 1st, about the great work that’s been done.
Filling a Need and Bringing a Vision to Reality Linda Braendel 2016-09-06 04:00:00Z 0

Creating a World With No Barriers For Children With Neuropsychological Disorders

Posted by Linda Braendel on Jul 24, 2016
Frustrated with the gaps and inequities for assessments and treatment programs available for low to middle-income Canadian families dealing with neurobiological disorders, Dr. Maged Kodsi founded Caring for Young Minds (CYM) in 1999.  Rotary Club Toronto West, in line with our vision to “Ignite the potential in youth,” invited Dr. Kodsi to give us an update on the invaluable work CYM is doing.
Creating a World With No Barriers For Children With Neuropsychological Disorders Linda Braendel 2016-07-24 04:00:00Z 0

Who Thought Camelot Should Die In 1963?

Posted by Linda Braendel on Jun 26, 2016
What really happened on November 22, 1963? 
This is a question our member, John Muto, has puzzled over and researched for many years.  He has been in good company, as there have been more than 2000 books written , dozens of television programs and many movies filmed, all filled with theory, conjecture and myth as to why President  John F. Kennedy was assassinated in broad daylight on Elm Street in Dallas, Texas nearly 53 years ago.
Who Thought Camelot Should Die In 1963? Linda Braendel 2016-06-26 04:00:00Z 0

U.N. Peacekeeper Tells of Peacekeeping Challenges

Posted by Leighton Reid on Jun 14, 2016
U.N peacekeeping has been effective when the troops are on the ground; but when they are withdrawn, many war-torn countries revert to conflict. That was the challenge of peacekeeping expressed by Gerry O’Pray, former U.N. peacekeeper, at our June 2 meeting. The soldiers do their job but often the politicians don’t and peace is lost again, he says.
U.N. Peacekeeper Tells of Peacekeeping Challenges Leighton Reid 2016-06-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary supports budding chefs graduating from Montgomery’s Inn Culinary Arts Project!

Posted by Leighton Reid and Linda Braendel on Jun 13, 2016
Over 20 young students in the Montgomery’s Inn Culinary Arts Project (MICAP) made cookie houses in celebration of graduating from the program on May 25.  The cookie houses were of all different shapes and sizes with colourful designs and gave the kids the opportunity to practice their cooking and artistic skills while having fun and great social interaction.
Rotary supports budding chefs graduating from Montgomery’s Inn Culinary Arts Project! Leighton Reid and Linda Braendel 2016-06-13 04:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Help Special Needs Kids at 2016 Mini-Olympics Leighton Reid 2016-06-12 04:00:00Z 0
Helping at-risk kids get work skills: the PACT Urban Peace Program John Stevenson 2016-05-26 04:00:00Z 0
2017 Atlanta - Rotary International Convention June 10-14, 2017 Brian Spencer 2016-05-18 04:00:00Z 0
Climbing Mt. Kilimanjaro to Conquer Polio Brian Spencer 2016-05-16 04:00:00Z 0
Rotary FORT MCMURRAY Fire Relief Fund Established Patricia Wright 2016-05-11 04:00:00Z 0
2016 Seoul Korea - Rotary International Convention May 28 - June 1, 2016 Leighton Reid 2016-05-08 04:00:00Z 0
Cherry Blossoms in High Park? Leighton Reid 2016-05-01 04:00:00Z 0

Scotch Nosing a Great Success

Posted by Leighton Reid

Scotch Nosing - 2015

Our Eighth Annual Scotch Nosing fundraiser held at the Lambton Golf And Country club had a record turnout this year - there was even a waiting list for tickets! With the haggis piped in by John Cameron, and ceremonies well hosted by Ed Patrick, participants got in touch with their Scottish roots, even if they weren’t Scottish.
Scotch Nosing a Great Success Leighton Reid 2015-11-24 05:00:00Z 0
Rotarians Cook up a Storm at Monty’s Inn Corn Roast! John Stevenson 2015-09-14 04:00:00Z 0

Rotary Toronto West supports YMCA youth programs

Posted by John Stevenson and Patti Wright on May 12, 2015

Stacey Baker, Senior Development Officer with the YMCA of Greater Toronto gave our club a 20 minute breakfast presentation and update on several new facilities planned to open in Toronto over the next 10 years as part of their capital expansion plans and their Strong Start, Great Future Campaign.  Read more for the details of her talk and a brief but impressive video of the YMCA's exciting expansion plans.  

Rotary Toronto West supports YMCA youth programs John Stevenson and Patti Wright 2015-05-12 04:00:00Z 0
RTW Helps Rotary's Campain in India to Conquer Polio 2015-02-14 05:00:00Z 0